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Green Bay, WI (West) - (920) 496-9787
Green Bay, WI (East) - (920) 468-6641
Appleton, WI - (920) 968-4228
Cedar Rapids, IA - (319) 396-6932
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Great Variety, Great Brands, Customer Loyalty Program, Independently Owned
50% Off Greeting Cards
Loyalty Program
Independently Owned
Sav-Half Greeting Cards and 143 Expressions feature premium greeting cards. Individual cards are 50% off... Always! We also feature a great selection of dollar cards!
The purpose of gift wrapping is to build anticipation of opening the gift.
We have so many choices for you...beautiful paper and bows, artful gift bags...Gift wrapping is the icing on the cake!
Love where you live! Update with a piece or two that is a refection of you. Wall art and decorative pieces that you are sure to enjoy!
Our kitchen and gourmet items are seasoned with love!
Dreams for all seasons, you will love where we take you!
Do you have a passion for fashion?
The gifts that keep on grinning: toys, games, puzzles...and some fur baby decor!
Commemorating a special occasion
is a memorable experience. Celebrations for a new baby, confirmation, first communion, graduation, wedding, anniversary, and even the celebration of a life well lived are meaningful times in our lives.
Thank you for your contribution to our
Fall community focus,
Breast Cancer Awareness.
Your generousity is a
blessing to many people.
Our November and December
community focus is:
Local Food Pantries
Monetary donations are accepted in any of our stores. We are grateful for your support.
Sav-Half Greeting Cards
Sav-Half Greeting Cards
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