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 Sav-Half Greeting Cards/143 Expressions 

A Gift Boutique

A Destination for 
Greeting Cards and Unique Gifts 

Great Variety, Great Brands, Customer Loyalty Program, Independently Owned

50% Off Greeting Cards

Loyalty Program

Independently Owned

 Thoughtfulness Begins Here!
We feature premium greeting cards (always 50% off individual cards)
 and unique gifts for every person, every occasion, and every season. 
Our wide selection of gift wrap and gift bags are sure to enhance your gift.

 Visit us for hometown service and gifts of the heart.  A favorite destination for:
home décor, fashion and accessories, gourmet dips and snacks, 
toys, games and puzzles, and seasonal and special occasion items.
You will always find more than you expect!

John is in the Kitchen

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Sav-Half Greeting Cards and 143 Expressions 
dedication to:

Our mission is to be a quality-first company dedicated to long-term relationships with our customers.  We pride ourselves in having a “can do” attitude when dealing with our customers’ requests.  
The primary vision of the company is to provide a broad range of competitively priced, quality greeting cards, special occasion gifts, and home décor, all while demonstrating a “small-town” customer service experience.
We are committed to actively giving back to our community by spearheading charitable events:  food drives, donation of a per cent of sales, donation of gently used products, etc.  We strive to make a difference for a better tomorrow.
As an independently owned business, our daily goal is to be 'more than you expect' in providing personalized customer service experiences, broad and unique product selections,  and a store environment that is inviting to your needs.
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